One thing I am good at is doing research. So, I decided that I would learn more about not just my dysfunctioning brain, but also learn about the brain, itself. I bought this beautiful hard cover book called "The Human Brain Book" by Rita Carter.
Doing it, makes me feel like i can understand myself a bit more. So, as I learn things, I will share my research.
So, the one thing I learned while reading so far, besides what it looks like on an MRI and other brain scans, and the anatomy of the brain and head, is the reason why when my head hurts so bad, my scalp actually hurts, so much that I can't wash my hair because the water hurts it. I didn't realize that there were scalp nerves, that are under the skin and connected to the brain as well. So, even some others may have known that, I know now.
I have for the past two or more years, kept a "health" journal, starting out as a migraine journal, but transformed into a list of levels of pain, different symptoms, doctors notes, and even falling, etc ... It's my personal record. I guess i just need to understand myself, even writing it down, doesn't matter or fix it.
I can't cure myself with understanding, but knowing reasons why and how, helps me a bit understand my own body.
Til next time, be well, be healthy!