It took years and years, and more years to finally get a judge to say "A full Favorable" decision.
It was a relief when my attorney let me know about the decision as soon as she knew. She worked so hard for me, and I appreciate everything she did for me over the years.
Attorneys in Legal aid work very hard, and Mary, was one that I won't forget.
In 2011, I applied for Social Security, but when I was denied, I accepted the decision, and focus on my sons, who needed me the most, especially William.
In 2013, I applied again. Every time I was denied, I appealed. In 2020, when my last appeal was denied and exhausted, Social Security recommended that I reapply and start the process over again, because i hadn't had my tremors for a year yet.
So, I applied again, in November of 2020. (That's when I got my final denial). Sometimes, it took over a year for an appeals decision. It seems the process went a little faster during the pandemic..
Unfortunately, they will only go back for sums since the last time I applied, but at least this time, I won my appeal.
Just waiting for the next process, telling me what my benefits will be. Then, and only then, I plan on moving somewhere that is more accessible, and hopefully, a place I can live that will truly feel like home.
I need a new home to be accessible. My functional brain disorder will only progress, which it probably has been doing for over 16 years. I'm still me, but my body gets out of whack because my brain does the opposite of what it's suppose to do.
Thanks for listening. I will continue to use this as an outlet. Even if it takes hours to get out.